Cutting-Edge Research & Innovative Educational Models

Tuition and Financing: MS in BLS

Cost of Attending

The cost categories are estimates and meant for the purpose of assistance in preparing a personal budget. Individual student costs will vary.

Each year in July, the University of Minnesota Board of Regents approves the tuition and fees for the next academic year. Tuition and Fees are subject to change.

Visit the One Stop Student Services website to estimate tuition and fees for our program (see the Graduate Post-baccalaureate tuition). You may review related financial policies and procedures at OneStop, such as student account activity, refunds, and credits balances.

Tuition and Fees

Cost of Attendance

The Master of Science in Biomedical Laboratory Science offers full and part-time enrollment options. MS in BLS graduate students need to be financially self-supported, through student loans, educational grants and scholarships, etc. Because this program is entirely online we do not have graduate assistantships or scholarships. Students are also responsible for insurance co-pays, student fees, textbooks, and course supplies. More information on graduate program tuition rates and related costs can be found on One Stop Cost of Attendance website.

Textbooks are required for most courses and contribute substantially to the cost of education. Unlike some courses on campus, these texts are truly required and essential for student success. Students are encouraged to purchase and keep them for professional reference during their career. To cut costs, most textbooks are available used or can be rented. Please see the University of Minnesota Bookstore website for more information.