Blending Scientific Knowledge of the Human Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit

Post-professional Doctorate in Occupational Therapy

Post-Professional OTD Goals and Curriculum (Linked page)

UMN offers a post-professional doctoral degree in occupational therapy!  This degree is for occupational therapy practitioners who already have a bachelors or master’s degree to practice occupational therapy and seek additional education to elevate roles in leadership, management, advanced practice, or research.

Graduates  of the curriculum will:

  1. Evaluate models, policies and systems in settings where occupational therapy are emerging or delivered;
  2. Evaluate evidence to drive innovative practice for individuals, communities, and populations;
  3. Inspire, empower and lead others to be agents of beneficial change.

Each applicant receives a personalized degree plan depending upon their type of entry-level degree to practice occupational therapy and when they obtained that degree (ranging X to XX credits in length). This degree plan is created in collaboration with the learner to ensure that personal and professional goals are met. Nearly all coursework can be completed online

Curriculum- Follow coursework for the Transitional OTD located in the UMN Graduate Programs Course Catalogs (  Total minimum degree credit requirements equal 33 credits.

All learners complete the following required online coursework (10 credits):

  • OT 7431 Qualitative research in OT
  • OT 7451 Capstone 1
  • OT 7541 Assistive Technology and Orthotics in OT (4 credits)
  • OT 7641 Management of OT Practice (2 credits- offered at night)
  • OT 7821 Systems of OT Practice (2 credits)
  • OT 7831 Professional & Grant Writing for Occupational Therapists (2 credits)
  • OT 7841 Program Development in OT (2 credits)
  • OT 7842 Teaching & Learning in Rehabilitation (1 credit)
  • OT 7855 Seminar in Current OT Practice Issues (1 credit)

Learners are required to complete the following experiential learning courses with a focus on capstone preparation and implementation courses ( 17-23 credits):

  • OT 7695 Level II fieldwork (3-9 credits) (may request credit by experience)
  • OT 7451 Capstone Preparation 1 (1 credit)
  • OT 7552 Capstone Preparation 2 (1 credit)
  • OT 7653 Capstone Preparation 3 (1 credit)
  • OT 7754 Capstone Preparation 4 (1 credit)
  • OT 8995 Capstone Project & Experience (10 credits)

Electives (6 credits required). The courses below are offered by the OT Program, but any UMN course for which you are eligible to register and fit your schedule can satisfy these requirements.

  • OT 7851 Advocacy in OT (1 credit)
  • OT 7852 Trauma Informed Care (1 credit)
  • OT 7892 Directed Study in OT (1-3 credits)

How to Apply